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CONFERENCES (International)


  1. Kim, B. and Park, J. (2019) “Resilience assessment of the ecological network and observation of the regime shift in wetlandscape with the change of hydro-climate conditions”, 2019 Society of Wetland Scientists-Asia Chapter and Korean Wetlands Society Joint Meeting, Aug. 19 – Aug. 20, 2019, Sunchon, Korea.

  2. Kim, B. and Park, J. (2019) “A regime shift of an ecological network induced by hydrologic dynamics a wetland complex”, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Apr. 7 – Apr 12, 2019, Vienna, Austria.​

  3. Kim, B. and Park, J. (2018) “Resilience and Topology of Ecologal Networks Formed on Hydrologically Dynamic Habitat Nodes”, Asia Resilience Center Confence 2018, Nov. 26 – Nov 28, 2018, Seoul, South Korea.

  4. Kim, B. and Park, J. (2017) “Seasonal change of topology and resilience of ecological networks in wetlandscapes”, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Apr. 23 – Apr 28, 2017, Vienna, Austria.

  5. Eisenberg, D.A., Park, J., Kim, D., and Seager, T.P. (2016) “Bridging sociotechnical networks for critical infrastructure resilience: South Korean Case Study”, International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technologies (ISSST) 2016, May. 15 – 28, 2016, AZ, USA.

  6. Park, J., Krueger, E.H., Kim, D., and Rao, P.S.C. (2016) “Power-law scaling in daily rainfall patterns and consequences in urban stream discharges”, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Apr. 17 – Apr 22, 2016, Vienna, Austria.

  7. Park, H.J., Park, J., Rao, P.S.C., Kim, D., and Rao, P.S.C. (2016) “Development of future rainfall scenario under climate change for Korean Peninsula”, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Apr. 17 – Apr 22, 2016, Vienna, Austria.

  8. Eisenberg, D.A., Park, J., Bartos, M.D., Chester, M.V., Rao, P.S.C, and Seager, T.P. (2015) “Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Systems and Networks: Water, Electric Power, and Roads”, World Congress on Risk 2015, Jul. 19 – 23, 2015, Singapore.

  9. Eisenberg, D.A., Park, J., Kim, D., and Seager, T.P. (2015) “Resilience of Electric Grids to Disasters: Socio-Technical Model Development and Case Study”, International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technologies (ISSST) 2015, May. 18 – 21, 2015, MI, USA.

  10. Eisenberg, D.A., Park, J., Kim, D., and Seager, T.P. (2014) “Resilience analysis of critical infrastructure systems requires integration of multiple analytical techniques”, 2nd International Conference on Urban Sustainability and Resilience, Nov. 3 – 5, 2014, London, UK.

  11. Park, J. and Rao, P.S.C. (2014) “Stochastic Modeling of Isolated Wetland Hydrologic Variability: Effects of Hydro-climatic Forcing, Wetland Bathymetry, and Groundwater-Surface Water Connectivity”, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Apr. 27 – May 02, 2014, Vienna, Austria.

  12. Rao, P.S.C. and Park, J. (2014) “Unsustainable Groundwater Exploitation and Stochastic Regime Shifts: Converging Management Constraints”, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Apr. 27 – May 02, 2014, Vienna, Austria.

  13. Park, J. (2013) “Probabilistic Expression of Wetland Hydrology and Implication to Ecological Resilience”,  Invited talk to Stream Restoration and Management Technology Seminar, Nov. 7, 2013, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Korea.

  14. Rao, P.S.C., Park, J., and Gall, H. (2013). “Unsustainable Groundwater Exploitation: Converging Constraints and Stochastic Regime Shifts”, 8th IAHS International Groundwater Quality Conference (GQ 13), April 21-26, 2013, Gainesville, FL, USA.

  15. Seager, T. P., Park, J., Rao, P.S.C., Linkov, I., and Eisenberg, D. (2013). “Risk and Resilience in Engineering Systems”, Engineering Sustainability 2013: Innovation and the Triple Bottom Line (Invited talk)”, Apr 7-9, 2013, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

  16. Seager T. P., Park, J., Rao, P.S.C., Mu, D. (2011). “Understanding Resilience in Coupled Industrial-Ecological Systems”, SETAC North Americal 32nd Annual Meeting, Nov. 13-17, 2013, Boston, MA, USA.

  17. Park, J and Rao, P.S.C (2011). “Resilience of Complex Adaptive Networks”, 2011 ESE Symposium: Solutions of 7, Nov 8-9, 2011, West Lafayette, IN, USA.

  18. Park, J and Rao, P.S.C (2011). “Modeling Resilience of Biofuels Production as a Complex, Coupled System: Implications for Design & Management”, China-US 2011 Joint Symposium: Global Sustainability Issues in Energy, Climate, Water and Environment, Sep 25-28, 2011, West Lafayette, IN, USA.

  19. Rao, P.S.C and Park, J (2011). “Resilience Analysis of Biofuel Production Systems”, China-US 2011 Joint Symposium: Global Sustainability Issues in Energy, Climate, Water and Environment, Sep 25-28, 2011, West Lafayette, IN, USA.

  20. Park, J and Rao, P.S.C (2011). “Filter Model for Designing Resilient Green Energy System”, 2011 International Green Energy Economy Conference, Jul 28-29, 2011, Arlington, VA, USA.

  21. Park, J, Thompson, SE, Seager, TP, Zhao, F, Beigzadeh-Milani, S, Wu, R, Rao, P.S.C (2011). “Design for resilience in coupled industrial-ecological systems: Biofuels industry as a case study.” Poster session in IEEE: International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, May16-18, 2011, Chicago, IL, USA.

  22. Emery, I., Park, J., Sajeev, E.M., and Mosier, N. (2010). “The influence of dry matter loss during biomass storage on net greenhouse gas emissions during ethanol production from corn stover” Poster session, 32nd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, April 19-22, 2010, Clearwater Beach, FL, USA.

  23. Park, J. R., Park, J. H., and Kang, H. J. “A case study of final cover design at closed landfill site,” Proceeding of the Fall Conference of the Korea Society of Waste Management, Korea Society of Waste Management, Pusan, Korea, 2004. 11. 11-12: 379-383 (in Korean)

  24. Ahn, Y. M., Park, J. R., Nam, K., Lee, J. J., and Kim, J. Y. "Effects of environmental conditions on the biological methane oxidation in the final cover system of solid waste landfill," Proceedings of the ISWA World Congress 2002, International Solid Waste Association, 2002. 7. 8-12, Istanbul, Turkey: Vol. 2, 1011-1018

  25. Ahn, Y. M., Park, J. R., Nam, K., and Kim, J. Y. “A biological reactive barrier for the removal of methane from solid-waste landfills,” Proceedings of the Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, The 3rd International Conference, 2002. 5. 20-23, Battelle, Calif, U.S.

  26. Ahn, Y. M., Park, J. R., Nam, K., Sohn, J., and Kim, J. Y. “Effect of soil moisture content on biological methane oxidation in the landfill cover soil,” Proceeding of the Spring Conference of the Korea Society of Waste Management, Korea Society of Waste Management, 2002. 5. 9-10, Seoul, Korea: 340-344

  27. Park, J. R., Ahn, Y. M., Kim, J. Y., and Nam, K. “Effects of environmental conditions on the methanotropic methane oxidation,” Proceeding of the Fall Conference of the Korea Society of Waste Management, Korea Society of Waste Management, Mokpo, Korea, 2001. 11. 9: 101-104 (in Korean)

  28. Ahn, Y. M., Park. J. R., Kim J. Y., and Nam, K. “Laboratory scale experimental study on the methane oxidation in the final cover system of the solid landfill,” Proceeding of the Fall Conference of the Korea Society of Waste Management, Korea Society of Waste Management, Mokpo, Korea, 2001. 11. 9: 97-100 (in Korean)

  29. Park, J. R., and Kim, J. Y. "Effect of Pre-drying Temperature on the Organic Carbon Contents Measurement of Soil Specimen by Wet-Oxidation Method," Proceeding of the Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 2000. 10. 27-28, Yongpyung, Korea: 951-954 (in Korean)




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