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  1. Son, J., Kim, I., & Park, J. (2023). Random Network Model for Assessing the Topological Performance of Water Distribution Systems. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 27(10), 4101-4114.​ [download]

  2. Seok, Y., Kim, D. G., Son, J., Park, J., & Lee, J. (2022). The importance of the Mujechineup wetland for biodiversity: an evaluation of habitat quality and ecosystem service value. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 18(4), 477-491. [download]

  3. Dey, B. K., Park, J., & Seok, H. (2022). Carbon-emission and waste reduction of a manufacturing-remanufacturing system using green technology and autonomated inspection. RAIRO-Operations Research, 56(4), 2801-2831. [download]

  4. Shin, H., Park, J., & Kang, D. (2022). A Graph-Cut-Based Approach to Community Detection in Networks. Applied Sciences, 12(12), 6218. [download]

  5. Kim, B., Lee, J., & Park, J. (2022). Role of small wetlands on the regime shift of ecological network in a wetlandscape. Environmental Research Communications. [download]

  6. Park, J., Park, J., & Choi, Y. (2022). The driving force for collaboration networks in environmental engineering in South Korea. Environmental Engineering Research, 27(2), 10-18. [download]

  7. Park, J., Park, J., & Choi, Y. (2022). Identification of research communities of environmental engineering and their evolution using coauthor network analysis. Environmental Modelling & Software, 105320. [download]

  8. Lee, K., Chang, S., Koop, S., van Leeuwen, K., & Park, J. (2022). Enhancing Informed Decisions for Coastal Groundwater Sustainability: A Network Analysis of Water-Related Indicator Results from 122 Cities. Water, 14(2), 262. [download]

  9. Kim, B., & Park, J. (2020). Random ecological networks that depend on ephemeral wetland complexes. Ecological Engineering, 156, 105972. [download]

  10. Eisenberg, D. A., Park, J., & Seager, T. P. (2020). Linking Cascading Failure Models and Organizational Networks to Manage Large-Scale Blackouts in South Korea. Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(5), 04020067. [download]

  11. Yu, D. J., Schoon, M. L., Hawes, J. K., Lee, S., Park, J., Rao, P. S. C., ... & Ukkusuri, S. V. (2020). Toward General Principles for Resilience Engineering. Risk Analysis. [download]

  12. Jang, G. U., Joo, J. C., & Park, J. (2020). Capturing the Signature of Topological Evolution from the Snapshots of Road Networks. Complexity, 2020. [download]

  13. Shim, K., Abdellatif, M., Park, J., & Kim, D. (2020). Antifouling effect of water-soluble phosphate glass frit for filtration plants. Folia Microbiologica, 65(2), 363-370. [download]

  14. Jeong, S., Park, J., Kim, Y. M., Park, M. H., & Kim, J. Y. (2019). Innovation of flux chamber network design for surface methane emission from landfills using spatial interpolation models. Science of the total environment, 688, 18-25.  [download]

  15. Kim, B., Park, J. (2019) Characterization of Ecological Networks on Wetland Complexes by Dispersal Models, Journal of Wetlands Research 21 (1), 16-26. [download]

  16. Rahmasary, AN., Robert, S., Chang, IS., Jing, W., Park, J., Bluemling, B., Koop, S.,  Leeuwen, K. (2019) Overcoming the Challenges of Water, Waste and Climate Change in Asian Cities, Environmental Management.  [download]

  17. Jeong, S., Moon, S., Park, J., Kim, JY. (2019) Field measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from biological treatment facilities of food waste in Republic of Korea, Waste Management & Research.  [download]

  18. Lee, K., Choi, OK., Kim, Y., Park, J., Lee, JW. (2019) Methane utilization in aerobic methane oxidation coupled to denitrification (AME-D): theoretical estimation and effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT), Biodegradation.  [download]

  19. Kim, B., Park, S., Park, J., Lee, J. (2018) Analyzing the Social-Ecological Network Characteristics of Green Space in City of Jeonju, Journal of East Asian Landscape Studies 12 (3), 69-78.  [download]

  20. Kim, H., Lee, S., van Leeuwen, Park, J. (2018) Assessing urban water management sustainability of a megacity: case study of Seoul, South Korea, Water, 10(6), 682.[download]

  21. Bertaseello, L.E., Rao, P.S.C., Park, J., Jawitz, J.W., and Botter, G. (2018) Stochastic modeling of wetland-groundwater systems, Advances in Water Resources, 112, 214-223. [download]  

  22. Eisenberg, D. A., Park, J., and Seager, T. P., (2017) Sociotechnical Network Analysis for Power Grid Resilience in South Korea, Complexity, 2017, Article ID 3597070. [download]

  23. Choi, S., Lee., SO, and Park, J. (2017), Comprehensive Index for Stream Depletion in Coupled Human-Water Systems, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 16(1), 58-70. [download]

  24. Cho, W., Lee, J., Park, J., and Kim, D. (2017), Radar polygon method: an areal rainfall estimation based on radar rainfall imageries, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31(1), 275-289.  [download]

  25. Kim, D.H., Eisenberg, D. A., Chun, Y.-H., and Park, J. (2017) Network Topology and Resilience Analyses of Korean Power Grid, Phyisca A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 465, 13-24. [download]

  26. Ahn, C.H., Lee, S., Song, H.M., Bang, K.-W., Park, J., and Joo, J.C., (2016), Evaluation of the Performance for an Artificial Deep Pool (ADP) as an Alternative Fish Shelter, Ecological Engineering, 93, 37-45. [download]

  27. Park., Y.-H., Ha, S.K., Choi, I., Chu, G.S., Kim, K.S., Park, J., Choi, N., Kim, B., and Sung, J.H. (2016), Fabrication of degradable carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) microneedle with laser writing and replica molding process for enhancement of transdermal drug delivery, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 21 (1), 110-118. 

  28. Jung, Y., Yeo, K., Oh, J., Lee, S., Park, J., Song, C.G., (2016) The Economic Effect of Green Roofs on Non-Point Pollutant Sources Management using the Replacement Cost Approach, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Online Published, [download]

  29. Kim, D.H., Rao, P.S.C, Kim, D., and Park, J. (2016), 1/f noise analysis of urbanization effects on streamflow characteristics, Hydrological Processes, 30(11), 1651-1664. [download]

  30. Park, Y., Park, J., Chu, G.S., Kim, K.S., Sung, J.H., and Kim., B. (2015), Transdermal delivery of cosmetic ingredients using dissolving polymer microneedle arrays., Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 20, p. 543-549.

  31. Park, J., Jung, J., Nam, K., Lee, A-R., and Cho, K-H. (2015), The current status and the improvement of ecological engineering education in South Korean Universities, Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure, 2(1), 12-21 (in Korean). 

  32. Park, J. and Rao, P.S.C. (2014) Regime Shifts Under Forcing of Non-Stationary Attractors: Conceptual Model and Case  Studies in Hydrologic Systems, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 169, 112-122. [download]

  33. Eisenberg, D.A., Linkov, I., Park, J., Bates, M.E., Fox-Lent, C., Seager, T.P. (2014) Resilience Metrics: Lessons from Military Doctrines, Solutions Journal, 5, 76-87. [view]

  34. Park, J., Botter, G., Jawitz, W.J., Rao, P.S.C. (2014) Stochastic Modeling of Hydrologic Variability of Geographically Isolated Wetlands: Effects of Hydro-climatic Forcing and Wetland Bathymetry, Advances in Water Resources, 69, 38-48. [download]

  35. Kim, D., Park, T.S., Park, J., Lee S.O. (2014) A river environment index for Korean national rivers: rationale, methods and application, Water Policy, 16, 481-500. [download]

  36.  Jung, Y., Park, J., Yeo, K.D., & Lee, S.O. (2013), Sensitivity Analysis of Uncertainty Sources in Flood Inundation Mapping by Using the First Order Approximation Method, Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 33(6), 2293-2302 (in Korean), [download]

  37. Park, J., Gall, H.E., Niyogi, D., & Rao, P. S. C. (2013), Temporal trajectories of wet deposition across hydro-climatic regimes: Role of urbanization and regulations, Atmospheric Environment, 70, 280-288,  [download]

  38. Gall, H. E., Park, J., Harman, C.J., Jawitz, J. W., & Rao, P. S. C. (2013). Landscape filtering of hydrologic and biogeochemical responses in managed catchments. Landscape Ecology, 28(4), 651-664, [download]

  39. Park, J., Seager, T., Rao, P. S. C., Convertino, M., & Linkov, I. (2013). Integrating risk and resilience approaches to catastrophe management in engineering systems. Risk Analysis, 33(3), 356-367, [download]

  40. Park, J., Seager, T. P., & Rao, P. S. C. (2011). Lessons in risk- vs. resilience-based design and management. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 7(3), 396-399. [download]

  41. Mu, D., Seager, T. P., Rao, P. S. C., Park, J., & Zhao, F. (2011). A resilience perspective on biofuel production. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 7(3), 348-359. [download]

  42. Park, J. R., Moon, S., Ahn, Y. M., Kim, J. Y., & Nam, K. (2005). Determination of environmental factors influencing methane oxidation in a sandy landfill cover soil. Environmental Technology, 26(1), 93-102.

  43. Kim, J. Y., Shin, M. C., Park, J. R., & Nam, K. (2003). Effect of soil solids concentration in batch tests on the partition coefficients of organic pollutants in landfill liner-soil materials. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 5(1), 55-62.

  44. Park, J. R., Kim, J. Y., and Nam, K. (2001). Evaluation of determination methods for organic matter and organic carbon contents in soils used as the solid waste landfill liner, Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management, 18(3): 263-270 (in Korean).





  1. Park, J and Yu, D (2017) Ecological engineering resilience. In Wu et al. (Ed), Ecological Engineering: Principles and Applications, pp. 145-178, 청문각.

  2. Park, J., Seager, T., & Rao, P. S. C. (2013). Understanding resilience of complex value-chain networks. In Lindgreen, A., Maon, F., Vanhamme, J., & Sen, S. (Ed), Sustainable value chain management: A research anthology, pp. 329-350, Gower Publisher.

  3. Logan, H., Karlsson E.M., Gall, H.E., Park, J., Emery, N., Owens, P., Niyogi, D., and Rao, P.S.C. (2013). Freshwater Wetlands: Balancing Food and Water Security with Resilience of Ecological and Social Systems. In Pielke. R (Ed), Climate Vulnerability Vol. 2: Vulnerability of Food Resources to Climate, pp. 105-116, Academic Press




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